Project: "Walking with Jesus"
Project Walking with Jesus (PWWJ) started on Spring 2013, when a group of men from our congregation (MCICR in Winston Salem ,NC) went to a missionary trip to Honduras. Their goal was to help small congregations by building their churches. It was a great experience of growth, encouragement, and inspiration to every person in that place.
One big concern, that our misionary group brougth back was the need of shoes on children. Some of them did not wear any shoes while they were working in construction. Many of the other children also didn't wear shoes in a daily basis. In addition, most of the children only have one pair of shoes. Most of the streets in Honduras are not pavimented. They are mud, dirt, and/or rocks roads in which the children have to walk on because of the lack of public transportaion.
These men's concern was my inspiration to make a difference in the life of these children. After prayers, God bless us with 82 pairs of shoes in just 2 days! This was just the beggining of Project Walking With Jesus... 82 pairs of shoes that multiplied in more than 1,000 pairs of shoes in 2014.​
I absolutely believe that we can get more pairs of shoes this year. We just need to put together our efforts and hearts and make a first step to bless and serve others in need. In advance, thank you for taking some time out of your schedule and helping us.
Damaris Santiago
-PWWJ Founder -